Friday, August 2, 2013

The Best Social Media Marketing Plan Known To Man

The Best Social Media Marketing Plan EVER Devised...

social media marketing plan good one
As I sat on my porch, smoking a cigarette, one day I thought of the best social media marketing plan ever devised! Whether you are looking to make more money online, need tips for blogging, more traffic, or just have hopes of becoming a webmaster, you will kick yourself for missing this!
In my earlier marketing years as direct salesperson, I'll never forget the poussin, enthusiasm and authority demonstrated by my "director" of sales. He put a fire in me that made me believe that I could do anything. He told stories of sales that he'd made in his career. Stories that revealed how he would walk countless blocks knocking on the doors, to only be let into a home with a empty bottles cascading the yard, beat up, rusty old cars in the driveway, extensive spider webs to maneuver through as entering-only to find that the outside of the home was nothing compared to the inside. He would tell how the combined stench of cigars and cat urine was enough to make you jump backwards to the sidewalk with all your equipment and endure the obliterating blast that is also known as "Texas summer." Nevertheless, two hours later, he would walk out with a hefty check, and no heavy vacuum system.
This is the stuff dreams are made of! I was never a very prompt person when it came to making it to work on time. I had lost countless jobs simply for bring late! For some reason, I wasn't punching a time clock , but I made it to his sales meeting at 1:00 SHARP each afternoon.He'd make me go back if my nails weren't primed. He made me sing "Ave, Maria" if I was late (he knew i had a beautiful voice, but that i was shy). And if I wore something provocative, he would make sure that EVERYONE in the room looked at me (taught me a lesson)! If I had on open-toe sandals, he would make me change because he knew certain men had feet fetishes.

The Social Media Marketing Plan of the DECADE about to emerge!

The ad in the employment section of the paper that lead me to him read as follows (your social media marketing plan should always get your readers' attention, but that's only the tip of the iceberg)!
Demonstrators Needed
Work evenings/2 Demos per night
3650.00  First Month/60 Demos
I called. I went. It was strictly commission with a "draw." I was fired up by the meetings each day. (Even if you social media marketing plan sounds ridiculous, it's often worth it!) Everyday the meeting was started by a person who had gotten a sale the previous evening. My director would get us fired up as always, afterward. It was just like he spoke, and you saw gold nuggets protruding from his mouth. I left the meeting each day feeling like I had ROCKETS attached to my feet, and I was gonna go knock some doors, and I was gonna go sell some vacuums!
So, finally, the time I've been anxiously awaiting, my first month rolls around. I had witnessed lots of people come and go in those last 30 days. I was having the time of my life. I was beautiful and I was popular and    I     just     felt     wealthy.   I     was     learning     so     much...and then I realized I haven't sold a single vacuum cleaner at all.
Grief-ridden, and almost with tears in my eyes, the next day, early, I went to my director. I said "I haven't a single vacuum and I've been here for a whole month. You've told me all the right things to do and I've been taking notes and trying to implement them. I've been getting into house and doing the demos and the people really like me, but   I    don't      know      if      this       is       right      for       me.

When YOUR Social Media Marketing Plan has your affiliates like I was-What will you have to offer them?

social media marketing plan

He said "I know you haven't." And he have me his big Italian smile. "But its ok!"
I said, "How is it ok? What am I gonna do?"
He said, "You'll be fine, my love." And he walked away, abruptly and proceeded into the sales meeting. I couldn't help but follow. On top of the fact that I was not on the sales, I started to realize that i was surrounded by men, and there was only one other black person in the whole room. Then my director announced "Andi Brown, I want you to stand are our new door-knocker!" Everyone applauded and yelled!
Every team had door-knocker to get them into houses and if you had trouble closing, your team lead would help you out. That's how I got into my demos, at first. Sometimes, eager to sell, I would tire of waiting for the door-knocker to get me into a house, so I would get myself in...and it just became natural. I made 1500.00 the next 30 days, knocking doors. AND everytime someone needed help closing the sale, I accompanied the team lead. Over the next 60 days, I saw over 480 closing techniques. In the meetings when someone got up to talk about their sale last night, the first question my director asks, "Who got you in?" Most of the time, it was "Andi." After 90 days, I started getting myself into houses and selling vacuums and I never looked back.
One day, after everyone was put on a one week break, I resumed the sales meetings. Everyone was a bit confused because everything looked different.
My director soon announced that we would no longer be selling vacuum cleaners! As you can imagine, there was a silence in the room as if we were watching the Red Sea part. The same man I worshiped, who changed my life just took it away. After a rigorous silence followed by moans and groans of bewilderment, he walked out of the room.
If Your Social Media Marketing Plan isn't prepared for that...BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!
He returned to the room minutes later.....with a new product he had launched. It was cookware. It was cookware. He believed in it, and it was cookware. The price point was the same nearly the same as the cleaning system. A few minor adjustments, a few minor setbacks, but in no time, we were off like wildfire. The ad in the paper never changed. (You want your social media marketing plan to stand the test of time!)
A good mentor will lead you in the way of success for a lifetime, not just one product or service. All progress is duplicative when you have the same mindset. If you have the same one I have, but your social media marketing plan was a bust, join me
The Best Social Media Marketing Plan Known To Man- by Andi Brown